About us
What you need to know about us
We are a well established mountaineering club based in Inverness in the Scottish Highlands. The club was established in 1950 by like-minded folk to promote the enjoyment of the Scottish hills. We currently have around 90 members, and we welcome people of all ages and of many interests. We have mountaineers, hill walkers, mountain bikers, kayakers, skiers and cavers in the club.
We have one weekend meet a month and one day meet a month with occasional forays beyond Scotland.
We usually suggest that people come on a couple of meets with us before they join the club. That lets you check out whether you like the club and lets us get to know you. We hope to see you soon.
If you would like further information about the Inverness Mountaineering Club please get in touch.

Ewen in the Slugain Howff
Steve's final Graham - Biod an Fhithich

Mel and Gareth on a club scrambling day with Mountaineering Scotland instructor Ben Gibson

Night Navigation - Kirsty R and Ian Stewart

Cummingston - Catherine belayed by Dougie, Ian Stewart instructing

We think this is Kirsty G.

Shona and Dan on Bruach na Frithe

Gentlemen at rest on the summit of Leum Uilleim

The club's senior IX and Skye

Hiding in the Shelter Stone before braving the elements again

Figures on Quinag