
Terence Hunt (24 Feb 1964 - 26 May 2023)
Club member, Terence Hunt, sadly died recently. Steve Bell, His close friend, writes an appreciation.
Wendell returns to the Canadian Rockies
After recovering from my trip to Peru in June I was now heading for the Canadian Rockies in July 2022.
Sgurr nan Gillean, Am Bhasteir and Bruach na Firthe, September 2022
Club member, Brian Kermath recounts his day on the Skye Cuillin with fellow club members, Wendell Martin and Stuart Kennedy.

Peru Expedition: June 2022
Peru Expedition: June 2022
Club member, Wendell Martin, recounts the story of his trip to the Cordillera Blanca in Peru to climb Ishinca and Alpamayo.

Shenavall in the Census
The club had a long association with Shenavall bothy and most of us will have stayed there on one or more occasions. When I stay in bothies and old cottages, I often wonder about their history and who lived there in times past.
Duncan Macniven, Ewen’s brother and friend of the club, who also happened to be the Registrar General for Scotland from 2003-2011, has done just that for Shenavall, going as far back as the 1841 Census. The research provides a wonderful insight into the lives of the people who lived at Shenavall and the surrounding Strath na Sealga.
The Hare and the Tortoise on Ben Wyvis
Club member, Marcus Risdell recounts his traumatic move to the Highlands from London and how he took inspiration from a mountain hare to complete his first ascent of Ben Wyvis.

A Spring bloom of hills
Club member Dan Simpson shares a successful week of hill enjoyment as lockdown restrictions ease

Address tae the Virus
This was to be the weekend of the IMC's Burns Supper; always a good social occasion, though not always blessed with good weather. Thanks to Covid we've had to cancel all our weekend meets for the forseeable future. By way of compensation, our club Bard has composed a special ode.

The Colby Camp on Creach Bheinn
Last summer I had a great day out on the Glen Galmadale horseshoe in Morven. The two Corbetts, Fuar Bheinn and Creach Bheinn, together with the Graham, Beinn na Cille were only part of the attraction. I was also interested to have a look at the “Camp” which is marked on the OS 1:50,000 map just North West of the Creach Bheinn summit and only slightly lower at about 840 metres height.
Think Winter
The current snowy conditions are a good reminder to Think Winter for activities on the hills. Mountaineering Scotland, with its partners has started its campaign to get people to make sure they have the right equipment and skills to enjoy the hills safely in winter.