Our Meets Rules

Weekend Meets

  1. The meets programme agreed by the Committee will be publicised to members on the club website, Facebook page and by e-mail sent to all members. Weekend meets will normally be organised once or more per month.

  2. Bookings for a weekend meet will be opened by an e-mail sent to all members by the Meets Secretary following the previous weekend meet. Members should make a booking in writing (preferably e-mail).

  3. Bookings are made on a first come first served basis and members will be notified in writing (usually e-mail) if they have been allocated a place on a meet. The Meets Secretary will keep a reserve list in case of cancellations.

  4. Members must pay full meet fees once they have been allocated a place on a meet. Your place is not confirmed until payment is made. Any member cancelling their paid place on a meet will only receive a refund subject to the club not incurring a loss as a result, unless there are extenuating circumstances.

  5. The standard charge for club meets for 2020-2021 is £15 per person per night or the cost charged to the club if it is greater than that. The standard charge for meets is set to try to break even on the annual cost of meets.

  6. Bookings for whole weekends will be given priority over bookings for single nights to avoid the club incurring losses.

  7. Members will have priority over non-members in attending club meets. Members may invite guests aged eighteen or more on meets subject to space being available.

  8. Members must not bring dogs into weekend meet accommodation.

  9. A route sheet showing membership of each hill party and mobile phone numbers (if any), proposed route, time of departure, expected time of return and vehicle registration will be completed and kept by the Meets Secretary at each meet.

  10. In the absence of the Meets Secretary at any meet, the Meets Secretary may appoint another member to coordinate the meet.

Day Meets 

  1. Dates for day meets will be included in the meets programme referred to above. Day meets are normally held a fortnight after and before weekend meets.

  2. Notice of a day meet will be given by e-mail to all members by the Meets Secretary or a meet contact. The Meets Secretary or meet contact will choose the venue based on weather forecasts, hill and snow conditions and interest expressed by members.

  3. The Meets Secretary/contact will generally nominate a time and a meeting point in or around Inverness so transport can be shared. Members should let the Meets Secretary or meet contact know if they intend to go on a meet. That helps to share transport and avoids people being left behind.

  4. Potential new members should attend two meets before seeking club membership. Guests of club members are welcome on day meets.

  5. A route sheet showing membership of each hill party and mobile phone numbers (if any), proposed route, time of departure, expected time of return and vehicle registration will be completed and kept by the Meets Secretary at each meet.


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